Tuesday, October 23, 2012

STEPHIE - Four and one-half (by Grandma Julie)

Sweet, smart Stephie four and one-half,
Jokes about smelly feet make her laugh.
Sweet tomatoes, Speedy shoes, Skip on one foot,
Two new schools and read new books.
Squash, and salmon, and sweet potato fries,
Play in the sandbox.  Make mud pies.

Summer camp, Spanish, swimming at the Y.
Wearing her skirt with the pink tye-die.
Spider crawl, States song, Sock seams straight!
Climb stairs solo now, but close the gate!
Use new sleeping bags with Haley.
Arts and crafts are her specialty!

Thumb sucking over now, goodbye twin bed.
Pink and yellow flower to rest her head.
Two toots, tall now, No more tiny toes.
Tonnie teaching her the piano.
Two long pigtails on her head.
Talking to Bingo in her bed.

Eating artistic foods at her meals.
Mommy cuts special shapes in fruit peels.
Ex-napper, Ex-eel, Empathetic to you.
Excels at reading and coloring too.
Erica’s Minnie Mouse for Halloween.
E’s too hard! Move on to P.

Plays with Petra at her school.
Talks with Ayla in her car pool.
Pike in swimming. New pink plates.
Printing now in lower case.
Hundred piece puzzles and piano playing.
46 pounds is what she’s weighing.

Hello kitty band aids she likes to wear.
Double French braids in her long, blond hair.
Hopping, Hayrides, Helping Haley cook.
Hello neighbor song, level two books.
PB and J and ketchup hot dogs.
Building houses with Lincoln Logs.

Everything else should start I E,
But rhyming it is hard for me.
Truly special,
Exceptional her.
Incredible her.
Every day she makes me laugh.
Wonderful Stephie! Four and one-half.

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