Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Haley at two and one-half (by Grandma Julie)

Honey badger started at one
But at two and one-half she’s mostly gone.
She had big tantrums but now she’s done.

She’s got a big bed
With a new purple spread.
She has long pigtails on her head.

She listens, she hugs,
She gives kisses on the knee.
She tries new foods like broccoli.

The badger comes back,
When she skips her naps.
Sometimes in the car she will just collapse.

At school and church she doesn’t cry
Just gives a kiss and says bye-bye.
The badger is missing, you cannot deny.

At two and one-half
She will make you laugh
Still sleeps with baby, a blanket giraffe.

Everybody would sure agree
That she used to be a little crazy!
Now she’s the sweetest girl we call Haley.

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